MacForensicsLab Inc. announces an upgrade to their cross-platform digital forensic field tool. MacLockPick 2.1 now extracts data from Linux systems too. Now investigations aren't limited by the operating system a suspect is running. Version 2.1 also adds a number of new plugins to make acquiring important suspect information easier then ever. New MacLockPick plugins have been built to extract specific Windows registry information that may be of value to investigators. Through the exploitation of the structure of the Windows operating system to find pertinent information, MacLockPick shortens the investigators time required. Information such as recently launched applications, Internet Explorer URLs visited, SSIDs of wireless networks, USB drive history, full iPhone history, VNC server history and more can now be extracted quickly and simply. MacLockPick II is expandable to provide maximum flexibility and power to support forensics investigations thanks to the plug-in based architecture. MacLockPick II allows forensics investigators to add third party plug-ins to further enhance the abilities of MacLockPick.